Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Flower Girl - Part Two

The continuation of The Flower Girl

As usual, I was early at the theatre, but not early enough to avoid the crowd already formed. I held on to my wallet where my ticketing receipt was, and stepped up to the counter to get my ticket.

A few moments ago, I imagined saying the following if I see her at the counter:


Of course that didn't happen, because she was not there.

I retrieved my ticket at the counter and went into the theatre, with another thirty minutes to kill. I closed my eyes and took a break.


A 'pleasant' surprise waited for me during intermission. I walked down the stairs near the door and saw her holding a bunch of flowers, in her usual well-ironed blazer. I almost didn't know how to react to the situation.

She saw me, and asked that question yet again.

“你要买花吗?” But I thought her voice was a little different from before.



I was a little taken aback by her response, since from what I know, the jobscope of 票务s didn't involve selling flowers. We smiled briefly, and I went ahead to the restroom before the 'awkward silence' could occur. Along the way, I wondered if she remembered me at all. She seemed to have remembered, yet I couldn't be sure...

I stood outside the theatre, and thought about how I should carry on writing this story. I could: (a) ask her directly if she remembers me; (b) check indirectly by asking her if the price of the flowers were the same as last year; (c) go and buy a flower from her as usual, and (c-1) give it to her again or (c-2) keep it; (d) do nothing.

Of course, I 'chose' option (d) because I learnt recently that humans tend to go for the default in the face of difficult decisions (ie do nothing). And she was already back at the counter (without the flowers) before I could make any decisions.

I went back into the theatre, with a little (= |).


The show ended and I left with the crowd. She was not outside of course, as she was on the stage for the 谢幕仪式. I didn't feel much about anything though, so I left for the MRT peacefully.

I do not know when I will see her again since she would have graduated next year, so until then...

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